Showing 25–36 of 372 results

House Budget Alien Rock Candy Wet Diamonds


House Budget Alien Rock Candy Wet Diamonds

The high starts with a lifted feeling in the back of the head that subtly pulls up your mood, erasing any negative or racing thoughts and replacing them with hazy heady bliss. This is accompanied by a deeply relaxing body high that will soon have you totally sedated, drifting away into a long-lasting and peaceful sleep.


AAA Dark Star Wet Diamonds


AAA Dark Star Wet Diamonds

The indica genes in this strain produce a calming physical buzz with euphoria, happiness, and some limited cerebral effects. It’s a good source of medicine for chronic body pain, everyday stress, and lack of appetite, as it can generate a powerful case of the munchies. The flavor and aroma of Dark Star both have strong, sweet notes of coffee and soil.

AAAA+ Quattro Kush Wet Diamonds


AAAA+ Quattro Kush Wet Diamonds

The high comes on with a slow build, lulling into the back of your brain with a light-lifted effect that pushes away any negative or racing thoughts and replaces them with unfocused stoniness. As your mind expands, your body will succumb to a happy peaceful state that leaves you totally relaxed although not sleepy. Quatro Kush has a sweet and sour earthy flavor with a spicy exhale.


AAAA Starkiller Budder


AAAA Starkiller Budder

The high hits you hard with a stoney feeling in the head that comes complete with red droopy eyes and mental haziness. This buzzy feeling will slowly spread throughout your body in a creeping effect before completely taking hold and leaving you utterly sedated and helplessly couch-locked. As the high continues you’ll be gently lulled into a deep and peaceful sleep that you cannot be awoken from easily. This bud has an aroma of pungent lemon pine and a taste of skunky earthy pine that has a pungent lemon aftertaste upon exhale.


AAAA+ White Tahoe Cookies By Kootenayz Exoticz


AAAA+ White Tahoe Cookies By Kootenayz Exoticz – 29% THC

The flavor is very sweet, with tastes of tree fruit and herbs accented by a spicy earthy effect upon exhale. The White Tahoe Cookies high comes almost immediately after your first toke, filling you with euphoria that infuses your mind with pure creativity. As your mind soars to new heights, a relaxing body buzz will soon wash over you, leaving you tingly, giggly, and slightly aroused This effect soon turns sedative, lulling you into a sleepy, unfocused state that can last for hours without relief.


AAA+ LSO Double Head


AAA+ LSO Double Head 

Upon consumption, you’ll experience a balanced high that starts with an uplifting and euphoric cerebral buzz, perfect for creative activities or social gatherings. As the high progresses, it transitions into a relaxing body stone, easing any tension or stress and promoting a sense of calm and well-being.

AAAA+ Amaretto Sour By Kootenayz Exoticz


AAAA+ Amaretto Sour By Kootenayz Exoticz – 23% THC

Amoretto Sour is a unique and flavorful strain that captures the essence of its parent strains in a harmonious fusion. Its effects are known to be uplifting, creative, and relaxing. This makes it a versatile choice suitable for both beginners and experienced cannabis consumers. These effects make it suitable for various situations, whether you’re engaging in creative activities or simply unwinding after a long day.


AAA+ GMO Cookies By Green Valley


AAA+ GMO Cookies By Green Valley – 24% THC

This bud has a deliciously savory garlic flavor with a pungent spicy exhale that stays on your tongue long after your final toke. The GMO Cookies high is truly one to behold, with long-lasting effects that will have you flying high and staying there for hours on end before you fade away into a deep and peaceful sleep. You’ll feel relaxed and lifted with a deep sense of relaxation that permeates both mind and body with heavily sedative effects.

AAAA Purple Haze Mediums By Green Valley


AAAA Purple Haze Mediums By Green Valley – 26% THC

It starts in your mind with a lifted sense of happiness that washes over you, lulling you into a state of pure mental calm and ease. You’ll be free of any negative or racing thoughts as your mind flies higher and higher, filled with happy creativity and bliss. At the same time, your body will begin to settle into a soothing state of relaxation and ease that has you feeling pretty sleepy at times. This bud has a sweet and fruity berry cherry flavor with hints of creamy vanilla to it, too.

AAAA+ Valley Farms Shatter – Multiple Flavors Available!


AAAA+ Valley Farms Shatter – Multiple Flavors Available!
Looking for a premium quality concentrate with a potent and long-lasting high? Look no further than AAAA+ Valley Farms Shatter, available in multiple flavors to suit any taste. Made from the finest cannabis strains, this shatter provides a clean and smooth smoke that’s packed with flavor and THC for an unforgettable experience.

Mix and match option:
Buying bulk? Feel free to request a specific breakdown of other grammers you would like, however, it must be the SAME or LESSER VALUE. Eg. Purchasing 250 units of AAAA Puff Canada Shatter, at checkout you may request half Valley Farms and half Puff Canada since it is the same pricing.

Note: Automatic Mix and Match = For orders above 25 units or grams, we will be sending a diversity of all strains that we have available. If you don’t want diversity, please include your specific breakdown in the order notes during checkout.

AAAA Ice Cream Cake Smalls By Green Valley


AAAA Ice Cream Cake Smalls By Green Valley – 25% THC

Ice Cream Cake packs a super delicious cheesy creamy flavor with a sweet nuttiness that lingers long after you finish your final toke. The Ice Cream Cake high is just as beautiful as the flavor, with lifted and relaxing effects that will have you kicking back in no time flat. The high starts with a rush of cerebral effects that lift your mind into a state of pure happiness and ease, pushing out any negative or racing thoughts immediately.

HFTSE Vape Pen Cartridges 1.1G By Astro Quads

(1 customer review)

HFTSE Vape Pen Cartridges 1.1G By Astro Quads

HFTSE Vape Pen Cartridges 1.1G By Astro Quads are created using only the highest quality AAAA flower available on the market.

Disclaimer: Automatic Mix and Match = for orders above 25 units or grams, we will be sending a diversity of all strains that we have available. If you dont want diversity, please include your specific breakdown in the orders notes during checkout.