Showing 37–48 of 146 results

Suck On My Chocolate Salty Balls 100MG (4x25MG)


Suck On My Chocolate Salty Balls 100MG (4x25MG)

Crafted with high-quality ingredients, they provide a consistent and enjoyable cannabis experience. Perfect for both experienced users and those new to edibles, Suck On My Chocolate Salty Balls are a playful and satisfying way to enjoy your THC. Treat yourself to these irresistible bites and savor the moment!

Sweet High Candy 150MG (10x15MG)


Sweet High Candy 150MG (10x15MG)

Crafted with high-quality ingredients, Sweet High Candy ensures a smooth and pleasant high, making them ideal for both seasoned users and those new to edibles. Indulge in the mouthwatering flavors and let Sweet High Candy take you on a blissful journey of taste and relaxation. Treat yourself to these tasty delights and enjoy the sweet high!

Drolo Minis 600MG


Drolo Minis 600MG

Crafted with premium ingredients, Drolo Minis promise a smooth and delightful high, allowing you to savor the rich flavors while enjoying the potent effects. Treat yourself to Drolo Minis and elevate your edible experience with these delectable, potent bites.

Magic Melts Mushroom Chocolates 2g


Magic Melts Mushroom Chocolates 2g

The rich, creamy chocolate perfectly masks the earthy taste of the mushrooms, making your journey as delicious as it is memorable. Ideal for both newcomers and seasoned psychonauts, Magic Melts offers a consistent and controlled dosage for a reliable and enjoyable experience. Indulge in these delectable treats and let the magic take you away.

Weedtarts Rope Bites 500MG


Weedtarts Rope Bites 500MG

These bite-sized treats combine the tangy, fruity flavor of classic candy with a powerful cannabis infusion, providing a delightful and effective way to medicate. Perfect for on-the-go use or a relaxing night in, Weedtarts Rope Bites deliver a consistent and enjoyable high with every bite. Indulge in the perfect blend of flavor and potency with these delicious edibles.

Starb**st Sour Gummies 408MG THC (6x68MG)


Starb**st Sour Gummies 408MG THC (6x68MG)

The rich, creamy chocolate perfectly masks the earthy taste of the mushrooms, making your journey as delicious as it is memorable. Ideal for both newcomers and seasoned psychonauts, Magic Melts offers a consistent and controlled dosage for a reliable and enjoyable experience. Indulge in these delectable treats and let the magic take you away.

Medicated Sour Ski**les 400MG THC (20x20MG)


Medicated Sour Ski**les 400MG THC (20x20MG)

The rich, creamy chocolate perfectly masks the earthy taste of the mushrooms, making your journey as delicious as it is memorable. Ideal for both newcomers and seasoned psychonauts, Magic Melts offers a consistent and controlled dosage for a reliable and enjoyable experience. Indulge in these delectable treats and let the magic take you away.

Warhe**s Sour Medicated Chewy Cubes 500MG


Warhe**s Sour Medicated Chewy Cubes 500MG

The rich, creamy chocolate perfectly masks the earthy taste of the mushrooms, making your journey as delicious as it is memorable. Ideal for both newcomers and seasoned psychonauts, Magic Melts offers a consistent and controlled dosage for a reliable and enjoyable experience. Indulge in these delectable treats and let the magic take you away.

Chill Pill CBD Assorted Edibles 500mg (20x25MG)


Chill Pill CBD Assorted Edibles 500mg (20x25MG)

These assorted edibles come in a variety of delightful flavors, offering a tasty way to enjoy the calming effects of CBD. Perfect for easing stress, alleviating pain, and promoting overall well-being, these edibles are an excellent addition to your daily routine.

AAAA Pink Death Kief


AAAA Pink Death Kief

Each delicious inhale brings spicy cinnamon and berries with a kick of earthy diesel the savory exhale. The Pink Death Star high comes soon after your final toke, creeping up on you before taking ahold of both mind and body with brute force. This effect quickly turns stoney, dropping you into a super sleepy and relaxing state that leaves you couch-locked and completely immovable.

AAAA+ MAC 10 Kief


AAAA+ MAC 10 Kief

This bud brings on the high-flying euphoria, with heavily cerebral effects that launch you into outer space and leave you there. This effect hits you almost instantly, smashing into your brain and leaving you insanely happy with a slightly unfocused and hazy sense. A deeply relaxing body high accompanies this heady lift, keeping you anchored as your mind flies higher and higher.

Alaskan Thunderfuck Kief

(1 customer review)

Alaskan Thunderfuck Kief

It has a very strong banana and orange taste, which will leave a spicy aftertaste in your mouth for hours. It is not only the best strains to know about, but it is renowned for giving an immediate high. It will make you feel a bit more talkative and creative at times. But the Alaskan Thunder Fuck is far better at treating numerous medical conditions through its cerebral high.